Presentation Guidelines

With the aim to engage the participants in meaningful session for the exploration on scientific advancements, the conference has set several parallel sessions. Speakers need to adhere to the following guidelines to guarantee the success of the session.

Time Allocation

Oral presentation enjoys a maximum of 15 minutes including speaking time and discussion. Please rehearse your presentations in advance to make sure your presentation is well timed since the listeners would like to reach the session room to listen to their interested topics according to the time schedule listed on Conference Programe.

Technical Information

1) Each session room will be equipped with LCD projectors, Screens, Laser pointers and Microphones and Laptops with general presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Reader.

2) The presentation PowerPoint or PDF should be formatted with figures and tables, plain text is inappropriated;

3) Each speaker is required to inform the Session Chair that you are presented 15 minutes before the session starts;

4) Speakers should have their presentation data ready in a memory stick and copy it to the laptop in the session room about 15 minutes before the start time.

5) It is suggested that you email a copy of your presentation to your personal inbox as a backup in case the files can not be accessed from your memory stick for some reason.